Final day.........
This is the time i let you go with no anger, no apologize, no grudge but peaceful
Please stay happily after that....
Letting you go a lot a lot of time.... but this time happier than last time.......
放手就放的乾脆 何苦再留藉口去後悔 =)
愛沒有誰對不起誰 只有誰不懂珍惜誰
無論最後誰傷了誰 當結局再一次輪迴
愛讓我們都太憔悴 遺憾卻無法後退
辣妹視訊交友 , 辣妹視訊交友 , 辣妹視訊交友 , 辣妹視訊交友 , 辣妹視訊交友 , 辣妹視訊交友 , 辣妹視訊交友 , 辣妹視訊交友 , 辣妹視訊交友 , 辣妹視訊交友